A Baby Changes Things

My sweet friend Shannon Milholland has written a post for you all today. I love her heart for Jesus and her desire to bring Him glory. I pray you enjoy her post as well.


A Baby Changes Things

She changed everything.


This once SEC football enthusiast hasn’t seen a game in years.

It was another decade the last time I took a luxurious bath.

My sleep never did return to normal.


I suppose I can’t put the full responsibility on her since three little sisters came along after her but birthing her was the moment my life changed…for the better.


A baby changes everything.


2,000 years ago another baby changed everything. He demolished barriers. He made the way for relationship. He initiated an upside down social economy in which the last were first.


It’s tempting to think of Christmas as something that happened in ancient past but what if Christmas is something our hearts need today? That baby changed everything then. He can change everything now.


The baby can redirect the path of my day when I navigate it with Him.

The baby can rewire my words in exchanges both pleasant and difficult.

The baby can reassemble my heart shattered by pain.


The other night, in an attempt to redirect my kids’ hearts from the material to the spiritual, I asked them, “What’s the one thing you want for Christmas that only Jesus can give you?” Maybe we need to ask ourselves the same question.


He can give you the faith to change careers.

He can give you the boldness to change your family.

He can give you the grace to change yourself.

And he can give you the strength to wait one more month…for a baby.


A baby changes everything.


Shannon is a morning runner, an afternoon carpooler and all-day lover of Jesus.

She is the author of Jesus & My Orange Juice, a fresh-squeezed oasis for ordinary living. Shannon finds joy among piles of laundry and miles of carpools and delights in leading others to this place of contentment in life. She presents the gift of prayer in her free 30 day prayer guide PrePrayed: Preparing for Life’s Events. She is a frequently published author. Most recently, she was a contributing author to Always There: Reflections for Mom’s on God’s Presence.

As a speaker, Shannon is straight forward about her own struggles. She is a compassionate advocate fighting for victory in the life of her audience with a message of hope and encouragement.

When not writing or speaking, she enjoys her favorite job of wife to Scott and mom to four daughters from kindergarten to high school.

Connect with her online at Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.


Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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