A Miracle…Really

I witnessed a miracle yesterday. Actually I was the one healed, so this is pretty good stuff. Seriously…

I couldn’t get up Monday morning. I hit snooze a few (five or six) times. Then I actually changed my alarm so I could get more than 9 minutes of sleep in a row. I was wiped out. Finally I rolled out of bed and started my morning routine.

Then it happened. I rubbed my eye and suddenly I felt like I had something in my eye. I tried washing it with water. Then my husband tried flushing it with contact solution. Next we found the eye wash kit and tried that to no avail. I showered and tried getting whatever was in there or felt like was in there out. My eye was red, watering, and basically refusing to open. There was no way I could get the kids up much less drive them to school.


Miracle #1 My Wonderful husband got the kids up and ready. He took out the trash. All I had to do was help prepare breakfast and make his lunch so we could quickly leave the house.

Miracle #2 The kids did GREAT in the non-routine racing out the door sort of way. It was amazing.

Miracle #3 My husband called an ophthalmologist who agreed to see me first thing!!! So my man dropped J and myself off at this doctor’s office and headed to work.

Miracle #4 A friend was in the same office building and was able to meet me at the doctor’s office. She sat with me through my appointment. Then drove J and I home!

Miracle #5 My eye was still bothering me when we got home. It was really uncomfortable. The doctor had given me a steroid eye drop in the office and sent me home with lubricating drops to take about once an hour or more if needed. He told me if I wasn’t better by Tuesday that I would need to come back to his office. About 2 and half hours later, my eye really started bothering me again. I had just put drops in it so I slowly massaged (really I rubbed it but massage sounds better). Suddenly the pain and sensation that a large grain of sand was gone. God healed my eye!

A miraculous day indeed…God worked it all out in His perfect timing and in His perfect way. He is so good to work in our lives!

So how is God working in your life?

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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