Because Your Story Matters

Amid doubt and smallness, knowing God is growing something in me, but not knowing if I have what it takes to do the work. If it doesn’t come easy I wonder if I am supposed to do it. Yet the work is what God uses to refine me.

As my thoughts swirl and emotions swing a friend shares her story. Her story of God working and her working and miracles happening. Yes her story of dreams fulfilled and doubts beaten and God showing up.

Another friend encourages me with words we are memorizing together. She texts the first verse of Psalm 103, “Praise the LORD!” My soul drinks in the words. Yes praise the LORD, praise His holy name. My heart needs it.

Your story matters. It matters not only to you and your life, but to those who hear it.

It matters because it offers hope, wisdom, and encouragement. God is in your story and your story is God’s way of building others up. Your story is God’s way of redeeming your pain. Isn’t it like God to use the pain of our lives to bring His miracle.

So share your story. Don’t wait or hesitate. Your story may be God’s gift to the person hearing it.

I am thankful for the gifts friends gave me today by sharing their stories.

Has a friend shared a story with you lately? How has his or her story blessed you? Would you mind sharing with me? Leave a comment.

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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