Call Me Crazy…
Hello everyone. Today I had the privilege of posting at Keeping it Personal. Check out my post Does What I Do Matter? and leave a comment. If you just came by from KIP, I am so glad you dropped in today. Check out my craziness…
For Christmas my husband and I had a crazy idea. Let’s get our kids a puppy…actually two puppies (so hopefully the pups won’t get too bored and keep each other out of trouble…maybe).
The pups we found were too small to come home at Christmas, but today I get to take them home. Today Maggie and Lucy will be added to our family. Yes, I do realize how crazy that sounds, but I can’t tell you how excited our kiddos are…(oh and my husband and I. We may be more excited than they are)
Want to see a picture?! These are the last pictures the breeder sent us…
Here is Maggie (AKA Mags):
And here is Lucy (AKA LuLu):
Cute huh? Also sort of like having twin babies except I take them outside to do their business. 😉
You may want to say a prayer for Mags and LuLu…My kids are REALLY excited to see them.
You may also want to say a prayer for my husband and I…We really don’t know what we are getting into, but we are doing it with enthusiasm.
When thinking about the craziness I am welcoming with open arms into my home, I began to think about the following. Check it out.
Sometimes doing what God wants us to do seems crazy. Giving money away to His cause, moving to a city far away, telling the truth even when it may damage your job, or any number of things. Here is the deal…I would prefer to be crazy for Christ and sold out to Him than to be sane anywhere else.
Our God is the God who is able. He can restore, reclaim, redeem anything or anyone. Our circumstances may seem impossible, but with God all things are possible. So I ask you…
Are you ready to be crazy for Christ?
I am praying that we will take those crazy steps of faith asking God for more than we can do ourselves and trusting Him regardless of the outcome.
Is God calling you to something crazy? Would you share?