Hello Again, New Year, New Word…
Happy New Year.
I have remained quiet on my little part of the internet for nearly a year now…
I remained super busy this past year…
I was homeschooling, finishing seminary, teaching martial arts, teaching Sunday School, etc…
And I was quiet because a part of me doubted I had anything to say…
Sometimes I feel like this small place of sharing what God is teaching me isn’t reaching anyone. It is just more noise in a noisy world of blogs and social media.
And ignoring the part of myself that loves writing caused the doubt to grow…I became dry and weary and exhausted…
This year as the New Year approached I finished seminary and a stirring in the dry places started. The dry ground was being plowed by the Heavenly Farmer who promises to grow His fruit in His children.
So as I begin praying over this place and the New Year and what God would have me focus on.
And the word that kept coming up made me cringe. I can tackle words like “stretch,” “grow,” “discipline,” and “holiness” because those are words that sound big. Words that seem deep and active. But the word that God kept stirring this year seemed somehow less…maybe even weak…And yet I know it is a word I need to focus on because it isn’t my natural bent.
The word is “Joy” as in “the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Neh. 8:10) And so over the next 366 days I will be focusing on the “joy of the Lord.” I will be focusing on finding all of my joy and delight in Him. Maybe this battle to find joy will no longer seem “less than” in my practical mind. I pray instead it will be the catalyst to draw me nearer to the LORD.
Do you have a new word for this year? What is it?