How He Makes Me Wait…This Really Got Me Wednesday Link-up
I prayed for a word for 2013.
God gave me one word. . .
I struggle against waiting often. Sitting still seems wrong. I should be doing something. Anything.
Yet God keeps bringing the word to my mind.
First in the Psalm we are memorizing. Psalm 40:1, “I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.”
Next God brought it to me in a song.
“I have decided, I have resolved to wait upon the Lord. . .”
I am at a crossroads of sorts. I ask God, “what now?” He answers, “Wait for Me.”
God doesn’t call us to wait without purpose. Each day is an active waiting. A battle against moving without God’s guidance and yet avoiding being paralyzed. God calls us to rest in Himself, not on our laurels. We are to serve every day. Waiting for direction does not mean I stop serving where God has called me. He has purpose for each of us every day.
When I remember though whom I am waiting for, I have hope. He is my sure foundation, my reward, my provider. No matter what I wait for I trust Him. I trust He will guide me in paths of righteousness and lead be to green pastures. God has a plan for this wait. A plan to teach me about myself and about Himself.
Oh that I would worship Him in the wait. Laying aside my desires for His.
What has God taught you in the wait?
Ok. . . Now it is time to link-up. How did God get you lately? What is He teaching you? Link-up your post here: