How to T.H.I.N.K.

My eyes open and I check my phone. 5:30 AM, only about four hours of sleep. I lay there in my top bunk hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep. Sleep doesn’t come. In an effort not to wake the seven other women in my room, I attempt to silently shimmy down my bunk bed ladder.

Two-thirds of the way down the ladder, I realize someone has placed a bag at the foot of the ladder. As I cling to the top of the ladder trying to find a place to set my foot, I notice a chair. That chair was not there at about 12:30 AM when I climbed into said bunk bed. Finally I find a safe spot to place a foot and hopping a little I get both my feet on the ground.

If someone could have video taped my descent to the floor that morning I am sure I would have won some prize money. It was hilarious.

I was in this predicament because I was attending the ladies retreat for my church. An aside, my church is blessed with some of the most amazing godly women I have ever had the privilege of calling friends. Susan Haines spoke to us on none other than Romans 12:1-2. Yes the theme verse of my blog. God has such a great way of confirming His calling on our lives. She taught us to T.H.I.N.K.
Trust God. (He is trustworthy and has plans for us)
Honor God’s word. (Memorize it, meditate on it, do it)
Invite Inspection. (Ask God to show us sin in our lives and confess it)
No Bad Thinking. (Don’t feed negative or worse case thinking)
Know God’s Sovereignty. (Know that God is in control even in the difficult times)

Good stuff isn’t it? So begins my thankful list:

427. Special time with friends
428. Special time with God
429. Discovering more stinking thinking to get rid of.
430. God’s patience
431. Kleenex (I’ve used at least half a box by myself today)
432. My husband who loves me and our kids.
433. A new van
434. Two-year-old conversations
435. Thunder
436. Sunshine
437. Cool Spring weather
438. Homemade granola bars see Kitchen Stewardship Recipes
439. I worked out 5 out of 7 days last week
440. A new scale to help encourage the work-outs
441. Vitamin D capsules
442. My parents
443. The smell of rain
444. “You my best fwend [friend] mommy.”
445. Seeing my kids put into practice things I am teaching them
446. The safe room my husband insisted on putting in our house
447. The Food Network
448. The opportunity to sleep extra this morning after a difficult night with a boy who didn’t feel so hot, my husband mad that possible.
449. Support of friends and family in this book writing, blog writing, speaking journey to share what God is teaching me.
450. God’s word
451. God is unchanging.
452. God is in the business of reconciliation.
453. God is ABLE to do more than we ask or imagine.
454. God is omniscient.
455. God’s love.
456. Wonderful school teachers.
457. My boy turns three today!

What are you thankful for? Join in! Consider signing up for an e-mail subscription or an RSS feed in your favorite reader. Also join my facebook fan page. I can’t wait to get to know you all better!

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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