My Husband, My Love
Just a smile from him and my knees go weak.
He holds my hand and I lose my breath.
He still makes my heart go pitter-patter.
His voice calm and firm is the harmony that enriches my life song.
He is God’s precious gift to me.
My husband, my soul-mate, my beloved.
I do not know why God chose him for me.
I am so grateful He did.
So I continue counting the gifts God gives to me…
507. Rain on a crazy hot summer day
508. Three wild healthy kids
509. Wildly supportive husband
510. God ordained opportunities
511. God the healer
512. God the Savior
513. God the Redeemer
514. Swimming lessons
515. Quiet times in the house
516. Three children playing together – they are best friends
517. Praying friends
518. Supportive church family
519. God uses the hard and broken to make me beautiful
520. When I stumble He catches me
521. The look in my husband’s eye
522. My husband’s smile
523. Poo poo in the potty…not in the underwear
524. Food in my pantry
525. A house that is more than enough so I can share
526. Memories made while sharing my house
527. Laughter
528. Air-conditioning
529. My dishwasher
530. My garbage disposal
531. Our vehicles
532. Partners in ministry
533. Stillness after my blessings go to bed
534. A certain God in uncertain times
535. Little voices needing me
536. Cereal on the floor
537. My bed
538. Fire Hot Tamales (candy)
539. Chocolate from Kopper Kettle Kandies
540. Supportive Friends