The Puzzle of Life. . . And Memory Monday
“Let’s buy a puzzle and put it together,” my eyes shined as my heart ached to spend time with my husband.
He raised his eyebrows and smiled, “You want to spend time with me?”
I grinned and nodded. “Yes.”
So we bought this puzzle.
A cool free app for video animation? Straight up our alley. We started it a week ago and it sits on our dining room table. We work on it a little each day. Little did we realize that i-phone was blocking a rather large portion of the puzzle.
The smaller picture on the edge of the box gives us a tiny view of the area hidden by the i-phone. It isn’t much help.
In the middle of putting the puzzle together it looks like a huge mess. We know what it is supposed to look like (mostly). However we don’t know where each individual piece fits yet. It seems impossible some days when we can only get a few pieces to fit. Other days it flows easier.
And this is how it is with the messy things in life. We don’t see how it is going to work together, but we know in the end God will stand on Earth.
Since God is the Victor:
- Our lives have hope.
- Our lives have meaning and purpose.
- All the pieces will fit, none of them are missing.
- Although we can’t see the full finished picture, we can trust the Creator of the universe that He is working it out for our good.
Oh and no we haven’t finished the puzzle yet. When we do I’ll get a picture for you all.
Does life ever seem to be a puzzle to you? What do you do when you can’t seem to get the pieces to fit?
Now my memorizing friends let’s speed it up a little this week and get Psalm 40:7-8 done this week. How is memorizing going for you?