Summer Cleaning..Right

I am not a great housekeeper. In fact I would argue that I am not even a “good” housekeeper. I actually pay someone to help clean the house…I am unorganized and I ignore things. If I don’t like the piles on the kitchen island, I don’t look at the piles. I do not think I am lazy. I just do other things. Rather than organize and pick up, I write or play with my kids. I realize I must have some balance and I do clean sometimes, but I also have a dumping room. You know the room you ignore and dump stuff there so it isn’t in view.

Anyway, this week I decided I needed to tackle my “dumping room” otherwise known as my craft room/office.

As I boxed up children’s clothes that need to be passed on and found many treasures that somehow landed in my office I realized something. I often run through life dumping things in the dark recesses of my heart. I leave them there out of the sight of on-lookers. I sometimes fool my family even. But God knows where the dirt and junk I keep locked up hides.

The thing is God isn’t like me when I discover my kids have hidden their junk under their beds. He doesn’t come flying at me yelling at the top of His lungs about how I need to be more responsible. He just daily invites me to explore my heart with Him. He asks me to unlock the things I hide, my sin, regrets, fears, failures, pain, grief. He is a gentleman and waits for me to open the the doors and allow the light in. Other days He shows me through life, my children, my husband, and friends that there is something I need to deal with at the heart level.

He is so gentle as He pours out His blood to cleanse my heart. He cleans it up time after time little by little as I let go of my sinful stuff and instead cling to Him. Sometimes this opening up burns just like alcohol burns when used to cleanse a wound. Oh but His goal is not revenge. No His goal is healing. Sometimes the healing comes quickly other times the healing comes in slow painful stages. But being healed is worth it for it brings freedom, joy, and intimacy with God.

Are you ready for some summer cleaning?

Ask God to reveal areas in your life that you hold to yourself and don’t give to Him.

Read God’s word about what to replace that junk with.

Memorize scripture to help keep you from collecting junk.

What are some other ways you can allow God to clean your heart? Jump in and join the discussion…

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Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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