Submission: It’s Not for Sissies
“Submit woman,” booms a joking, but attempting an authoritative voice. Then laughter quickly follows. We all snicker at the idea of submission, especially in our culture of individual rights. Who would ever lay down their own rights and their own desires for someone else? The problem is that we have submission and oppression confused. Oppression…
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Timing is Everything
Have you ever looked back over a day or a month or a year and been in awe of God’s perfect timing? How He orchestrates our lives with such minute detail? Have you ever wondered what would have happened if – I was earlier, later, or went a different direction? Maybe things would be different,…
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The Beginning of Confidence…
Since my post on confidence was so memorable for some, and well liked by others, I decided to share the prayer I mentioned in the Confidence post. My prayers don’t come out in correct grammar or with proper punctuation. So please forgive me line editors. Just know this came from the heart. I tried to…
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The Budding Staff…
I already mentioned about Israel’s rebellion in Numbers 16. When three men raised up a rebellion against God’s leaders. Not only did God allow the earth to swallow them alive, but 250 more were killed with fire from heaven. Then the next day 14,700 people died from a plague when they accused Moses and Aaron…
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Rebellion, Not again…
So why am I thinking about rebellion? Those pesky stiff-necked Israelites did it again…Not long before Miriam and Aaron were speaking out against their brother, Moses. The Israelites have already accused Moses for bringing them to the desert to die or not feeding them the right food or there is no water…Now in Numbers 16,…
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To Blog or Not to Blog…
So I am blogging with the purpose to air my thoughts…Well, they may not exactly be MY thoughts…They are more than likely things I think God is telling me through His word, prayer, friends, church, and so on. You get my point. As I examine these thoughts I often have to re-think my own way…
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Submission: It’s Not for Sissies
“Submit woman,” booms a joking, but attempting an authoritative voice. Then laughter quickly follows. We all snicker at the idea of submission, especially in our culture of individual rights. Who would ever lay down their own rights and their own desires for someone else? The problem is that we have submission and oppression confused. Oppression…
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Timing is Everything
Have you ever looked back over a day or a month or a year and been in awe of God’s perfect timing? How He orchestrates our lives with such minute detail? Have you ever wondered what would have happened if – I was earlier, later, or went a different direction? Maybe things would be different,…
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The Beginning of Confidence…
Since my post on confidence was so memorable for some, and well liked by others, I decided to share the prayer I mentioned in the Confidence post. My prayers don’t come out in correct grammar or with proper punctuation. So please forgive me line editors. Just know this came from the heart. I tried to…
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The Budding Staff…
I already mentioned about Israel’s rebellion in Numbers 16. When three men raised up a rebellion against God’s leaders. Not only did God allow the earth to swallow them alive, but 250 more were killed with fire from heaven. Then the next day 14,700 people died from a plague when they accused Moses and Aaron…
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Rebellion, Not again…
So why am I thinking about rebellion? Those pesky stiff-necked Israelites did it again…Not long before Miriam and Aaron were speaking out against their brother, Moses. The Israelites have already accused Moses for bringing them to the desert to die or not feeding them the right food or there is no water…Now in Numbers 16,…
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To Blog or Not to Blog…
So I am blogging with the purpose to air my thoughts…Well, they may not exactly be MY thoughts…They are more than likely things I think God is telling me through His word, prayer, friends, church, and so on. You get my point. As I examine these thoughts I often have to re-think my own way…
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