we all need grace


“What do you mean you can’t get in?” My heart lurched and my mind started spinning. “I don’t have my keys or my phone.” “Mommy it is locked,” L drooped her head. “Ugghh!” I stamped my feet temper-tantrum style. My heart thundered in my chest and my eyes flashed with anger. “How did the door…
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Yes His Name is George

Monday. I prepared for it with trepidation. L was only five days post tonsillectomy. She did so well, but I felt concerned about sending her to school. I made sure I had her medicine ready to go, lunches prepared, and backpacks packed. We were ready. I checked through all their papers Sunday night. I signed…
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“What do you mean you can’t get in?” My heart lurched and my mind started spinning. “I don’t have my keys or my phone.” “Mommy it is locked,” L drooped her head. “Ugghh!” I stamped my feet temper-tantrum style. My heart thundered in my chest and my eyes flashed with anger. “How did the door…
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Yes His Name is George

Monday. I prepared for it with trepidation. L was only five days post tonsillectomy. She did so well, but I felt concerned about sending her to school. I made sure I had her medicine ready to go, lunches prepared, and backpacks packed. We were ready. I checked through all their papers Sunday night. I signed…
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