The End is Near Part 4 What to Do Now?
Just a quick recap: Peter tells us in 1 Peter 4:7 that the end is near. Part 1 of this series addressed how knowing the end is near changes our behavior. Check it out here. In part 2, we talked about being clear minded. That discussion is found here. Self-control was the topic of part 3. That post is located here.
1 Peter 4:7 says, “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.”
Now we have a clear mind so we are alert and self-controlled so that our minds are “sober.” Why are we to be alert and sober-minded? So we can pray. How often do we say, “All I can do now is pray.” When truly God wants us to pray continually. He wants us to pray, not only when we are distracted, not only when we are falling asleep. No God wants us alert and sober-minded so we can pray. We can’t pray effectively if we are not alert. If we aren’t alert, we won’t even see what needs prayer. So we need to be alert to what is going on so that we know how and what to pray.
If you are anything like me, you get tunnel vision for what you are doing. You lose sight that the person who cut you off may have lost a loved one, or that unhelpful sales clerk may have never been shown true love in her life. We miss the fact that each person has a story and each story has broken pieces. We need to see outside our difficulties and pray for the difficulties of others.
Father forgive me for being stuck in a world that is populated only by me. Help me to live a life alert to others with a sound and sober mind so that I can recognize pain and pray. Oh that I would pray with an alert and sober mind. Help me to do that daily. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Are you alert today? Ask God to show you at least one person outside your close family and friends to be praying for. Then pray! 😉