2011 Growth…2012
I prayed over a word last year. A word God would give me for the year. 2010 was a year of stretching and I felt God prodding me that 2011 would be a year of growing into those stretched out places.
Growing is painful and amazing. Painful because it means letting go of what is for what will be. Amazing because God-growth drives me to more dependance on Him.
God-growth involves laying down myself so I can be filled with Him. He filled my stretched out spaces, grew me.
Here at the beginning of 2012 I am asking God for a new vision, a word, direction. Do you want to know what it is? The word for 2012 is Go. He stretched me, He grew me, and now He wants me to go.
During 2012 I will go. I will go by submitting articles to websites, magazines, devotional books. I will go by speaking as God calls me to speak. I will go by revising my book proposal and submitting it to agents. I will go by attending a writers conference. I will go as God leads.
What has God given you for 2012? I can’t wait to hear.