The Truth…About Me

Do you ever say something and immediately wish you could somehow swallow those words back down as if they never were? Then walk off thinking failure…

Do you find yourself is situations of your own creating wondering how I got roped into doing this? Do you wonder if your heart is wrong if if you heard God wrong?

Have you thought if anyone ever knew what I was really thinking they would never let me _____________ ? (oh, is that just me?)

I am not sure if you ever noticed, but God is in the business of using folks who don’t have it all together.

Abraham had great faith, but lied about his wife being his sister twice.

Issac favored one son to the detriment of his whole family.

Jacob was a deceiver and swindler.

David the man after God’s own heart was a murderer and adulterer who didn’t or couldn’t control his own family.

Yet these very men are the men God used and lauds as great men of faith.

I marvel at God. He doesn’t ever disqualify us from being redeemed or being used for His glory. Instead, His very Spirit is what qualifies us. His Spirit that lives in us the moment we accept Jesus as our savior.

Remember God doesn’t look at us as we look at others. He told Samuel that in 1 Samuel 16:7. God is interested in our hearts. He doesn’t even allow our actions to disqualify us for long. No, He uses our past sinful behavior for His glory. It is amazing.

The truth about me. I am a helpless, hopeless, diseased, beggar. I am desperate without Jesus. I am fully capable of the type of rebellion, swindling, murdering, and adultery of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and David. It is only by the grace of God that I have not walked those roads.

It is here in this humble place that God gives me true love for others. In this place I can pray for those who persecute me. I can see that they have yet to find the healer for their disease. I see their deception, despair, and hopelessness. Oh may we never forget what it is to not have a savior. May we never forget the depths from which we have been saved.

We have a healer. His name is Jesus. Come to Him and He will make you whole!

How has Jesus healed you? Will you share with me?


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Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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