When Mother’s Day Stings
I love mothers day, but it also stings. I have a wonderful mother who encouraged me and taught me so much. I love honoring her. I also have a wonderful mother-in-law who helped shape my husband into the man I love. God blessed me with three beautifully messy kids. They call me mom.
But…I think of folks who mourn the loss of their moms. How mother’s day reminds them their mothers are gone from this earth.
I think of people who grieve moms who abandoned them or abused them. Mother’s day means something different to them.
I remember my friends who desperately want children but have been unable to have them. I mourn with those who lost children to disease, miscarriage, or accident. My heart aches for those dealing with the scars of failed adoptions and successful abortions.
Mother’s Day stings and burns and blooms at the same time. Isn’t tha the way of God? He takes our messy fallen sinful world and redeems something in the midst of the stinging burn. He transforms the pain into character and redeems grief into something He can use for His glory.
Maybe here in the midst of the pain and joy God is having His way with us. When we open our grief-filled hands and give the pain to Him, then He can make something new from it. Here our load is lighter in the midst of knowing His hope and glory. In return He gives us joy for our mourning and beauty for our ashes.
Praying you experience God’s peace and joy when Mother’s day stings.