A Great Kids’ Book App and A Give-away

Do your kids struggle with fear at night? My kids periodically struggle with noises, darkness, spiders (she did have two spiders in her bed at two different times so I can’t blame her), etc. My dear friend Jessica Kirkland has the book app to help you and your kids. It is called The Sounds of Night. Jessica is a godly mom of triplets. So she knows what fears kids face. She has put together this fun, interactive book to help teach kids that God is always there so they need not fear. (I tried a rhyme like she does, but she is much better at it than me.Below you will find some more information about The Sounds of Night and her new book app that will be released soon called The Lonely Stable.This app is a great Christmas present. My kids love to play with it and the verses at the end are so helpful to start building the foundation of truth in their lives.

Make sure you scroll to the end of the post to see how you could win a $75 Best Buy gift card.


DESCRIPTION: The Sounds of Night is a book app that helps put a child’s mind at ease when the lights go out at bedtime. This book addresses one of the primary feelings young children face; fear. The Sounds of Night reinforces the principle that God is the Creator of every creature. Since God makes all the animals that scurry and screech at night, children can lie down and sleep in peace.


FEATURES: The Sounds of Night has over 75 touch points/interactions. It has rich illustrations and 4 Bible verses on fear that kids can learn with their parents and share with their friends.


DEVELOPMENT: Jessica Kirkland is a member of Moms with Apps. She recently launched Christian Apps 4 Kids, which seeks to draw kids closer to Christ one app at a time. Her inaugural app is a result of the fear that was such a part of her life:


In every season of life, the Enemy would whisper the lie that I would “never make it” to the next. I believed it. Time and time again, I thought his words held power. As a young child, I never thought I would live to see my school years. Once I entered school, I never thought I would live to see the next day, next grade, or milestone in life. I listened to a very real enemy, even though I didn’t want to. Even though I came from a strong, Christian family, I felt powerless to stop the lies. Fear gripped me, stole from me, and taunted every careful step I took.


Jessica believes the only way to be free from fear, as an adult or child, is to replace fearful thoughts with God’s Word. Her desire for each book project is that they not only build character, but help set kids free.



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Jessica Kirkland

Jessica Kirkland lives in Southeast Texas with her husband, Robb, and five-year-old triplets. She is an author and speaker whose greatest passion in life is to see young families grow deeper in their walk with God. Jessica’s newest adventure includes launching Christian Apps 4 Kids, which seeks to draw kids closer to Christ one app at a time. A recent release is a book app that addresses fear and scary nighttime sounds called The Sounds of Night, designed for kids ages 2-8. When Jessica isn’t writing, you can find her cheering her boys on at the soccer field, or watching her little girl at the dance studio.


The Sounds of Night

Company name: Christian Apps 4 Kids

Founder: Jessica Kirkland

Type of App: Book app

Target Audience: Children ages 2-10 years

Availability:  iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and all Android phones and tablets.

Price: Apple App Store: $5.99

Android Marketplace: $2:99

The Lonely Stable is a book app that reminds children that it’s never too late to live out God’s plan for their lives. Told from the stable’s perspective, this intriguing Christmas book tells the story of Jesus’ birth. From time to time, we all wonder about our purpose in life. The Lonely Stable wondered why he was still standing, for he was weathered and old. As time passed, he began to question his purpose. This remarkable tale is a lesson that both parents and children can hold on to when they ask questions like, “Why am I here?” or “Does God care about my life?” This book shows us that God has made each of us for a special purpose. The Lonely Stable is aimed at kids ages 2-10 years old.


$75 Best Buy Gift Card
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Deadline for entry is 12/16/11

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Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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