A Poem: Love Burns and A Prayer
Love Burns
I feel the burning around my heart and I wonder.
Is it always going to be like this?
The more I love, the more I grieve.
I enter into the pain of others, I sit on their grieving benches.
The more I love, the more I give.
And sometimes the gifts are rejected.
The more I love, the more truth I speak.
And often we do not want to hear the truth.
The refining fire of loving broken-people burns
and the molten parts of my soul bubble.
God is this what it is like to love me
this broken, headstrong, willful woman?
Does it burn and seethe and bubble?
How do You love like this?
Oh that I would welcome the burn because I know what it brings.
Yet I beat the air and cry hot tears.
Why does it have to be so hard?
Being a living sacrifice burns.
But You promise it is for my good and Your glory.
So I wait.
I burn and wait and long and trust.
I trust You that the burning will not consume me.
It will just make me more like You.
Father God I thank you for the people reading this blog right now. I am humbled that they would read the words I write. I pray that Your name and glory will be shown in a tangible way in their lives. Father God open their eyes to Your hand working in and around them today and always. May they get a glimpse of who You are and never get over it. Precious Lord Jesus give them a love for You and Your Word. May they confidently draw near to You as You refine them and make them more like Jesus. Give them a love for You and help them experience Your love for them. May they live in that love and serve through that love always. In Jesus’ Name Amen.