Rethinking Christian Life

Smiles…And Good News

“A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.” Proverbs 15:30 Do you choose to wear a cheerful look? Are you the bearer of good news or do you enjoy bringing bad news? What are some ways you try to bring joy to those around you? Are you…
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Why is it So Hard?

If you have been reading my blog regularly, you know I am memorizing James and I am praying on my knees for at least 15 minutes a week. Are you joining me? Let me know by leaving a comment and telling me about where you are in James or what God has been doing in…
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Prayer, James, and Blemishes

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Rethinking Following Your Heart

Here is another vlog for your enjoyment. I only wish you all could comment back in video form to my blog. Wouldn’t that be cool? httpv://
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Grace-full Accountability…

We open our hearts to one another. Share the hard things. The stuff that we struggle with. The things that leave our souls raw. The things we know are not quite right, but are not sure how to change. Some of the raw places are of our own making and others are wounds caused by…
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Is it Really THAT Bad?!

I admit it is easy for me to think much like the Pharisees (Luke 8:10-14), I am glad I am not like that sinner. I mean, I haven’t killed anyone, I have stayed faithful to my marriage vows, and I don’t get high on wine, much less illicit drugs. I have this Christianity stuff down…
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