Do You Trust Me?

Painting of Saint Peter by Peter Paul Rubens d...

Image via Wikipedia

I have had this subtle, but real discussion with God lately. He is asking, “Do you trust Me?” My knee jerk response is much like Peter’s response to Jesus after Jesus rose from the dead. He asks Peter, “Do you love Me?” Peter says, “yes.” Jesus asks him three times. Peter responds three times. By the third time Peter’s feelings are hurt. By then Peter couldn’t just ignore the question, he had to truly think about his life and actions. He must have thought, “Do I really love Jesus?” Each time Jesus asked Peter this question, He gave Peter a way to show his love. “Feed My sheep,” is Jesus’ answer to Peter.

As God has been asking, “Do you trust Me,” there are several things that I realize I haven’t laid at His feet. I say I trust Him, I say surely God knows I trust Him. Oh but when the rubber hits the road in my life I am not trusting God.

Am I trusting God with my longing for more children or am I carrying it with me as if I could fulfill that longing without Him.

Am I trusting God by submitting to my husband? When Dan and I disagree with how to proceed or what to do with my desire for more children, I have some choices to make. My sinful self wants only my way, but my God tells me to submit to my husband and allow him to lead. Making the choice to submit often feels like I am trusting myself to the whims of my husband, a sinful man. However it is really trusting God. He gave me my husband. He planned for husbands to be the leader of the home. When I do not submit to my husband, I am really saying I do not trust You God.

So as God is asking me, “Do you trust Me,” I need to show Him I do in my life. This may turn into a recurring series because there are so many aspects of infertility in which we have to trust Him.

Father God, thank You for being faithful and trustworthy. Forgive me for holding back and only trusting You in word rather than in word and deed. Help me to lay my longing and my rights at Your feet. I love You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

In what ways do you need to show God You trust Him?

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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