Embracing the Mess. . .This Really Got Me

Life is messy.

My broken jagged edges scrape against the wounds of others. I tear them open.

Bleeding they turn frustrated words and broken pieces tear at my heart.

And words can’t be taken back. Once said or written they can be repeated or re-read or forwarded or copied.

The sting in my words – the brokenness – spreads like a cancer and I am the one infecting others.

I am guilty, I fail.

Yet there is a holy God who loves me, heals me, and forgives me.

I don’t understand, but I am healed. The broken pieces join together to make a beautiful mosaic.

Yet consequences linger and choosing forgiveness means extending forgiveness.

Sometimes I want to hole myself away from the world. The mess is painful. Forgiveness comes at a price.

I have to die to myself.

Die to my dreams, hopes, failures.

Die to my capabilities and gifts.

And then live in Christ.

I must die so I can live and in the dying I embrace the mess. I own it and name it. I ask forgiveness.

Then I live in Christ. Freed from the past, from mistakes, regrets.

Yet this world is still a mess. It scrapes and bruises. I still let me brokenness wound others.

But there is beauty in the mess. Beauty in what God is doing as I die to myself and live for Him.

Beauty in the ashes of mourning to see this is not my home.

Beauty in the broken to see God work it out for His purpose and my good.

There as I see the beauty in the broken I can embrace the mess and thank God for the life He gave me – mess and all.

As I embrace the mess I see the glorious work Jesus did on the cross. And my heart is filled.

This really got me this week. What got you? Link-up

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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