Giving Thanks
I got home last night after 10 PM and I my body felt tired, but my mind was full of all kinds of God-stories that happened during the weekend. My sweet husband listened as I poured out story after story. I plan to tell you about how God worked in this conference over the next few weeks. For today I want to continuing counting my thanks…
481. Three precious kids
482. One supportive loving encouraging husband
483. Friends who bathe me in prayer
484. Meeting new friends who feel like old friends
485. Divine appointments on the way to the airport
486. The gift of encouragement
487. My bed
488. Feeling rested despite the few hours of actual sleep
489. Being able to send text movies so I could see my kids while away
490. My husband kept the house clean while I was gone
491. Coffee
492. The sounds of life in my house
493. God ordained meetings during my conference
494. God given words at the right time
495. The feel of my husband’s hand
496. The smell of my kids after a bath
497. Three voices saying, “We love you Mommy!”
498. The sparkle in my husband’s eye
499. Grace when I stumble
500. God’s still small voice saying this is the way walk in it
501. Journeys I would never have chosen, but now would never not walk
502. Increasing hunger for Him
503. The sound of my husband’s voice
504. Airplanes that make travel so much quicker
505. Sweet women with hearts of service
506. A heavenly boldness when my heart wants to be timid