God’s Business

He is independent and nearly four-years-old. So when he asked to go the boys’ bathroom – the one with the door cracked open and one stall – I said yes.

When he stepped out of the stall with his pants and underwear at his knees asking if I could help him use the urinal, I began to doubt my decision.

I had no choice. I went into the boys’ bathroom. When I stepped inside another boy walked past me, noticed I was not male, and made a beeline out of the bathroom.

“I hope no one things I am a pervert,” I thought as I wrestled my son on the “yucky toilet” – someone had forgot to flush. I proceeded to flush the toilet and tell my boy in no uncertain terns he would go potty. His face turned red and my precious boy screamed.

“Great. Now add child abuser to the list. I wonder if someone is calling the cops.” I raced out of the bathroom praying my boy would do his business without any more “help” from me.

Before my son showed his face, I began to laugh. I nearly peed my pants at the antics. Then it dawned on me. I do the same thing to God. I begin to do what my Heavenly Father asked me to do, but I don’t like something about the circumstances. So I ask Him to help me do something different. I walk around exposed and vulnerable (like my mostly naked son). Then when God brings me back to what He told me to do in the first place, I scream and cry. Sometimes I do what my son did. Sometimes I obey, get my job done, wash my hands, and move on. Other times I walk around exposed and vulnerable. Taking hits of the enemy’s arrows, doubting God, and floundering in my faith.

Is there something in life you know God told you to do and you are throwing a fit because it’s “yucky?” Perhaps it is time now to confess this sin and get down to business for God. Are you joining me? If so leave a comment so I can pray you do what God called you to do.

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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