His Story!

So the Bible Study I have been attending and enjoying and growing in is taking a break for the summer.  Today we listened/watched to Iva May on a DVD tell God’s story in about 45 minutes.  Her blog is ivamaystories.blogspot.com

I was in awe of God’s design of the world, His constant pointing to and drawing people lost and sinful to Him.  I love that through all that is included in His word, the Bible, we can see His mighty hand weaving the desire to redeem and draw us into relationship with Him.  However what struck me most is that God uses ordinary people.  Yes, like you reading this blog and like me writing it.  He uses US to accomplish His will, His plan, His purpose.  So the choices you make today matter for eternity.  I am sure you are thinking how does choosing to brush my teeth or not matter for eternity?  Ok, please I am not trying to spiritualize everything, but even brushing your teeth can be done for the Lord.  He gave you the body you have and created it especially for you.  When you take care of your body, if you are doing it with the thought that God made me and He loves me and even though there are parts I would like smaller or bigger, it is still amazing and wonderful.  Then you are brushing your teeth for the Lord.  Oh, that I would drive for the Lord, brush my teeth for the Lord, shower for the Lord.  That I would be intentional in everything I say and do so that it would be an act of worship to the Lord.  Isn’t that what He has called us to do?  To be stewards of ALL He has given us.  That means the money from the job, the house, the body, the time He has given us.  Oh, to be so filled with His Spirit that I would wash the dishes to His honor, that I would do the laundry for Him.  That all that I do would be to honor and glorify Him in His story.  Not in making my own story, my own way.  But resting in His story and taking His yoke on me that I can let my burdens stay at His feet and do only what He has for me to do.

That is my prayer to be part of His story!

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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