How to be a World Changer

I noticed a phrase roaming around Christian circles lately – “world changers.”

Youth pastors charge their youth groups to “change their campuses.”

Parents pray their children will grow-up and “change their world.”

Pastors urge their congregations to be “world changers.”

Books tell us we need to pray huge prayers and do big things for God.

I don’t doubt that God has huge plans and big dreams and can do amazing things through folks who are willing.

What if God’s definition of “world changer” is different from ours?

Yesterday I read a book to my boy called Bob Lends a Helping…Hand?. Yes it is a VeggieTales book, but stick with me. Bob is helping Joe’s mom – she broke her big left toe. Bob asks Larry to help with chores around the house, but Larry has other ideas. He wants to help fight crime, teach folks to eat yogurt with chopsticks, and other “big” things. Bob convinces Larry simple chores are important.

Larry says, “I fear my mind was focused on some bigger, grander things…To be God’s superhero, simply lend a helping hand!”

God’s Spirit nudged my heart as I read those words. Sometimes I focus on “bigger, grander things” – like writing and teaching. When often God is asking me to make a meal, help fold laundry, or just make a phone call. These “smaller things” are real intimate ministry.

Even Jesus – the ultimate “world changer” – came to serve. Maybe to be a world changer we must simply serve.

Hold open a door, say thank you, write an encouraging note, volunteer for VBS, invite folks over for dinner, feed the hungry. As we serve opportunities arise to share about Jesus. It is there in the daily working, living, and dying that ministry happens. It isn’t some church sponsored event. It is your servant life.

Are you ready to be a world changer? Start with serving, God will do the rest.

Where is God calling you to serve? I’d love to pray for you.

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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