How to Find Your Passion
“Ugh, why do I just feel blah?” I wondered aloud. “I thought staying at home with my kids would be different, better, fulfilling, not…this.” SIDE NOTE: I would never trade staying home with my kids. It is the best think I could do for them, but it is the hardest job I have ever done – and I was an ICU nurse at a level one trauma center in Dallas, TX.
I felt unsatisfied, but I didn’t know what to do about it. I knew there was more, but what more could I do? I felt spent and lifeless.
Then God opened my eyes to the “more” He was calling me to. It was a more that gave my life direction and purpose. As I stepped out on faith, a passion grew in my heart. A passion for serving others, for writing, for showing God off to this world. Then it happened. My blah for staying home with my kids diminished. Life was colorful and exciting again. All because I found my passion. Is everything hunky-dory? No, but I have a burning passion, a life full of possibilities and all because God is able.
How many of us are unsatisfied in our careers…If that is true about what we do to make money, then are we also saying it about our lives? Have we settled for the mundane? Jesus calls us to “abundant life.” (John 10:10) So what is keeping us from living abundant or full lives now?
Personally, I get stuck in thinking things will never change. Why? For one change is uncomfortable for me. Often I don’t like it and most often if things are going to change, God has to start with changing me. That is hard work, but isn’t it worth it to live a life of passion rather than a life of just getting by?
So what can you do when you really don’t know what to do? How do you find your passion and how to you make sure it is God’s leading, not your own?
1. Make a list of things that you are unsatisfied with in your career, life, relationships, etc.
2. Make a list of things that you are satisfied with in your career, life, relationships, etc.
3. Use your lists to help you pray for wisdom about what God may have you do to make changes so that your career and life are more fulfilling. Also thank Him for all these circumstance because God uses all circumstances to bring Him glory and you closer to Him.
4. Brainstorm ideas about what you need to do to live a more passionate, abundant life.
5. Read God’s word for insight into what God may be calling you to do.
6. Pray God-sized prayers for miraculous things to happen for God’s glory. Remember James 4 tells us that “you do not have because you do not ask God. You do not receive because you ask with wrong motives to spend what you get on your own pleasure.”
What else can we do to find a God-passion for our lives? What has worked for you?
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