I’m That Lady

Today I also have an article posted at The M.O.M. Initiative. You may want to check it out here.

On to business…

I had the opportunity to speak to 11-14 year-old kids about sex.

Let me tell you how ironic that I talk about sex…to anyone.

In nursing school I could barely ask folks about their sexual function and it was a requirement. I typically asked the question as quickly as I could and prayed they didn’t have any issues because I didn’t want to know.

I was a privacy advocate. Sex is private don’t talk about it.

Then I had kids and something changed. I looked out our sexually charged society and knew I needed to tell my kids about sex sooner rather than later AND I had no clue how to do that.

Enter the book series God’s Design for Sex. I nearly fell over and cried when I saw the series and realized book one is for three to five year-old kids. I was so glad I had some guidance to help my kids learn about sex from a Biblical perspective.

Then God gave me the humbling and awesome privilege of speaking about purity to fifth and sixth graders at my church two or three different times.

Next thing I know I am talking to girls about puberty and sex. God certainly changed this woman from the privacy advocate to the education advocate.

One thing that changed me is an analogy Tommy Nelson used in his Song of Solomon Bible Study…I will probably get this wrong, but it went something like this…

I went on vacation to this beautiful village that had a river running through it. Dotted along the river were scenic restaurants and fun shops. So I decided to have lunch at one of the restaurants. As I sat down to eat a beautiful young couple meandered close to the river. Suddenly a crocodile came out of the river a bit the legs off the couple and quickly returned to the water. Horrified I asked my waiter why nobody warned the couple about the crocodile. The waiter informed me, “We don’t talk about crocodiles here.”

Sex can be just as devastating as crocodiles and Christians who have God’s design for sex don’t talk about it?! We don’t talk about it to our kids, our youth, especially not our singles, much less our widows. How do we come alongside and disciple folks to live a pure life if we don’t talk about sex?

Here is what I propose…Here on my little corner of cyber-space we talk about sex. What God says about it, how we can encourage purity in all stages of life, when/how to teach our kids, and how to do this with grace. So once a week for a few months we will be addressing this topic.

What topic would you like to see addressed in this sex series?

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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