It Doesn’t Make Sense

The cool night air enveloped me as I stood barefoot in the grass. The inky black night increased my anxiety as my beagle pup barked at the small black thing.

I called to my pup, she refused to come. Instead she continued her barking and periodic lunging at the black thing.

fear doesnot make sense

It doesn’t look like a toad, my mind whirred trying to figure out what the dark form was. It couldn’t be a. . .mouse. I barely let me mind entertain that thought. I HATE mice…I am not terrified, but I have this icky feeling that really doesn’t make sense.

I turned and went inside for a flashlight and dog treats. I wanted to go to bed and I had to get the barking dog inside.

The flashlight only confirmed my fears. It was a mouse and my dog was not really interested in killing it. Instead she was playing with it.

She picked it up, shook it, and tossed it onto the ground over and over. The stunned mouse attempted to burrow into the grass several times, but it was too weak to go far. Then my dog grabbed it by the tail and shook it again. At times the mouse squeaked and attempted to show its teeth to scare the dog away. It didn’t work.

And then the crazy mouse once released from the dog’s mouth ran towards me.

It is a mouse, I am bigger than it…I don’t need to be afraid. And still I squealed, jumped to the side and said, “Not toward me dumb mouse.”

I felt afraid of a small brain damaged rodent.

And I tried to get the dog to come to me. She did once and grabbed the treats out of my hand, but I was too freaked out by the rodent to drop the flashlight and grab the dog. So I stood out there for more than 15 minutes chasing the dog and the small rodent around the yard.

My husband finally came outside and within seconds gets the dog away from the rodent and we are heading inside.

If that was on video I would have won America’s Funniest Videos…It was pretty hysterical.

And God also whispered to me a truth…Sometimes our emotions lie to us…They tell us to fear a mouse when our brains say this is crazy. And the fear so preoccupies our minds that we cannot act in a logical way.

And isn’t that the way of all fear? It takes our eyes off of God – the One who is able, in control, and has good plans for our lives. Instead our eyes focus on our fear and even if our brains can see our fear doesn’t make sense it is difficult to short-circuit the emotions whirling around in our hearts.

And yet God’s presence changes things…

God tells us to “Do not fear for I am with you…” Isaiah 41:10

He is with us…We need not fear…

I pray we feel His presence in our lives today so we will not fear.


Also don’t forget I have a fabulous giveaway going on for a ticket to The M.O.M. Initiative’s The Better Together Conference. Check it out and enter to win!


Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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