Know God

Choosing Obedience Choosing Joy

It has been too long since I sat down and wrote here. I’ve been somewhere on the crazy spectrum of busy since the end of May and things have slipped. Lots of things…especially the blog God called me to write. I could certainly blame the oversight on the crazy things going on around me. But…
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Waiting and Change

In case you missed it my word for 2013 – the one I know God gave me – is wait. And I laugh because I do not wait well and God is clearly growing me as I wait. The more I wait the more things change around me and the more I change. Exodus 14:14…
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And It’s Monday…Again…

Have you ever known you need to do something, but struggle doing it? You know you need to work-out regularly, but somehow the day gets away from you and then three weeks have gone by and you haven’t broken a sweat? You know you need to wake early in the morning because you are more…
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