Where is the Joy?

A pink faux wool coat lays discarded on the floor. {In 100-plus degree heat the question remains why was it removed from the closet at all?}

A battalion of green plastic army men surround the pink coat as if it is their next conquest.

Pillows from the couches lay helter-skelter while a trail of books leave evidence of the little reader’s short attention span. Blankets, chairs, ottoman all out of place, but placed just so for the all important fort.

Little shoes haphazardly dropped and forgotten clutter the walk-way between couches.

The signs of life well lived, but also the signs of children who didn’t pick-up after themselves. And I can choose.

I get to choose if I complain and stomp and fume about about the messiness or if I find joy.

I often look around and wonder where is joy here in the picking up, washing load after load of laundry, and dish after dish…Where is joy in the midst of the mundane, the frustrating, the tedious.

Ah, but it is there because God is there. The fruit He is growing in me includes joy. God’s Spirit is always present so His joy is there too, I only need eyes to see and ears to hear and heart to understand…

So do I choose to dwell on my children who fail to clean or do I dwell on blessings, the children God has given me.

Do I dwell on I told her or him and righteous indignation that rapidly boils over into tyrant yelling or do I choose to remind tenderly? Letting go my control only to find joy.

Do I count the blessings in the mess – the blessings of more than one toy, more than enough space, more than enough clothes?

Ann Voskamp in her book 1,000 Gifts reminds us that “the well of joy is everywhere…All is well. We just have to have eyes to see it.” {those are quotes from memory not direct quotes, but they are powerful nonetheless}

Joy is our choice to look to heaven and to see God in every moment. That is where joy is found.

Oh Lord that we would have eyes to see Your well of joy in the midst of everyday-ness of life. May we choose joy over frustration and control. May we see blessing in the midst of the mess of life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

How do you find joy in the midst of the every day? Will you share?

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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