Worlds Apart…
While I was in high school, I learned about a great Christian band called Jars of Clay. They have a song called Worlds Apart and one line has been reverberating in my heart this weekend… It says, “…what I need and what I believe are worlds apart.”
Aren’t we blessed that God knows what we need? He gives us exactly what we need and not what we believe. Often what I believe is not what I need at all. Oh but God knows exactly what I need. He knows when I need smooth sailing and when I need my world torn apart. He knows when I am getting too comfortable in this physical world and what I need is a reminder this world is not my home.
I need a Savior, but what I want to believe is I am good enough. My deeds point to the question my rebellious heart shouts, “Did Jesus really have to die for me?” Pride breaks through. Somehow I think I can do something to lessen my need for Jesus. As if He didn’t need to die for me, maybe just be flogged for me. Ridiculous, yes, but reality. I forget how desperately I need to love and cling to Jesus. Broken and in love with Him first and foremost.
What I need and what I believe…Worlds apart.