You are NOT Alone
Are you having difficulty conceiving a child? Are you struggling with grief, isolation, and pain? Is your faith being shaken? Well sister, here is a place for you to come.
I am writing this blog in the middle of my journey. I call it the middle because I although God has blessed my husband and I with children, I still want more. However, we have no more embryos in which to do in-vitro fertilization. IVF was necessary for two of my three children. My husband, my children, and I do not feel able to go through that process again. The excitement of possibility, the joy of holding a child, the pain of loss, are too much for us to try again. Not to mention the horrible hormones. The hardest part for me was having part of my heart in a freezer for four years. Those precious embryos were my babies, whether I got to hold them in my arms or not. I was nearly giddy the day I finally got to take those last three embies home. Although I did not get pregnant with that cycle, and lost those three babies, I was so excited to take them home.
This blog will be about things I have learned through God on this journey. I am still in the middle of waiting for God’s hand. Waiting for Him to change my heart, make a miracle in my body, or place a baby that needs to be adopted on my doorstep. Come with me. Ask me questions, ask God questions. Let’s do this together!
I’ll post my complete story shortly.