Names Link-up
Today I have a post at The M.O.M. Initiative with ideas about how to teach kids about Easter.
God puts a lot of emphasis on names.
He has many different names to help us understand His character better. We cannot completely understand Him as He is just like a dog cannot understand his master completely.
So God in His kindness and willingness to be in relationship with humans gives Himself many names.
And we name things on earth as well. Names help us categorize things and items so we can understand what is going on around us.
Names also place value on someone.
Names also show the heart of the one speaking them.
We are taught at a young age that “sticks and stones can break our bones, but words can never hurt us.” Yet that is a lie of the Enemy of our souls. Words mean something. They can sear, pierce, and break or they can build-up, inspire, and create.
So the question is what are our words doing today?
Now it is your turn…What is God teaching you today? Link-up. I can’t wait to hear from you.