Relieving the Pressure

“J, mommy doesn’t love you. She knows you hurt your foot, but she isn’t coming upstairs,” her words lit a fire under my pressurized emotions. My heart beat quickened, throat closed tight, and head pounded. Something was going to spew forth.

What do we do in those moments? Times when children, bosses, friends, or families say or do things that intensify already strained emotions. When guilt comes creeping, worry sits heavy, doubt drags, and condemnation weighs us down. Pressure squeezes joy and thankfulness out of our hearts and minds. Those seasons when we survive, but don’t really live. Sure we breathe in and out each day, but we do not live victorious lives.

Here is what God says when we feel burdened, pressed, and shaken.:

the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down Ps 146:8b

The LORD upholds all those who fall
and lifts up all who are bowed down. Ps 145:14

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.  2 Corinthians 4:8-9

As I look L in the eye my words spew forth. Forceful words, but words of truth not anger. Words from God, not me. His word, His grace, His truth relieves the pressure. Trusting God in the bowed down, pressurized moments of life frees us to experience and offer His grace. Just being alert to His presence changes things.

The truth is that God is lifting all of us who are bowed down today. He is present and He is active.

What helps you relieve the pressure?

Angela is a stumbling woman in need of God’s scandalous grace. Through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, she bears the name Christian. She speaks and writes to make much of this God, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives in her. She graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She also obtained her Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies through Knox Theological Seminary.

Angela Mackey Speaking

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