Scripture Memory Challenge…
Just wanted to do a little housekeeping…
1. God is working on me lately. Mostly reminding me that if I don’t humble myself before Him, He can and will humble me. I would prefer to humble myself under His hand so He can raise me up (1 Peter 5:6), not to be humbled by Him. More on that in future posts.
2. I am super excited to be working with Bronson Ma of Bronson Ma Creative to help me focus my ministry and develop a recognizable website, logo, etc. I want you all to be part of this process. So be looking for opportunities to give me feedback. I can’t wait to see how God will use my new logo, website, etc to glorify Himself. (Back to humbling myself or being humbled I want it all to be for His kingdom and His glory not mine).
3. I challenged you all a while back to memorize scripture. I told you I would be working on the book of James. So below I am adding a video of the part I have memorized for now. It is James 1-2:12 in the NIV version (not the 2010 one, but the earlier one). I do not think it is quite perfect, but it is close. I did this video in two takes. Mostly because I forgot to change my screen saver settings in the middle of the first one my screen saver came on. It was pretty humorous, but I got so distracted I couldn’t finish. So attempt #2 is what you see below. I hope it encourages you that you can do this too. Not because I can do it, but because God can do it in me.
I am praying that you are memorizing God’s word and meditating on it. It is such a blessing to me. Please share with me what you are memorizing! I can’t wait to see what God is doing through you!