Rethinking Life

When Words Are Not Enough: How to Support Those Walking Dark Roads

It doesn’t make sense. At least not this side of heaven. Cancer stealing years from folks who live and love well while rapists continue their lust for power and flesh. Infertility leaving wombs and arms empty while others abandon and abuse their children. Addiction powerfully pulling its prey away from work, family, friends. A momentary…
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How to Endure Under the Pressure of the Mundane

For far too long I have allowed my inner editor to silence my writing. “I have nothing to say,” I would tell myself. Besides if you can’t keep your house clean, what right do you have to write words? My inner diatribe would chide. So I’ve been silenced under the pressure of the mundane… …under the…
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Snow and the Creator’s Call

I am a Kansas girl living in the south. The south where 60 degrees is “cold” and a flake of snow send everyone running for milk and bread. So when the weather forecast called for ice and snow I did not pay much attention. There are always “snow storms on the way” that rarely make…
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Plan B

His birthday party was scheduled for May 4th. And I prayed for good weather because I wasn’t sure I wanted ten five and six-year-old boys in my house for an hour and a half. As May 4th approached the weather forecast kept getting worse. At one point there was talk of snow early in the…
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And It’s Monday…Again…

Have you ever known you need to do something, but struggle doing it? You know you need to work-out regularly, but somehow the day gets away from you and then three weeks have gone by and you haven’t broken a sweat? You know you need to wake early in the morning because you are more…
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Faithful…Not Necessarily Fruitful

My heart sinks as I see the e-mail. Feed-burner sent me a message another person unsubscribed to my blog. My self-talk pours acid on the ache of rejection. Nobody reads your blog. Your writing doesn’t matter. You will never be a published author. You are not good enough, smart enough, together enough. Who would want…
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My dogs crack me up…They are insane…Don’t believe me? Check out their insanity… [tube][/tube] Lucy {the one that gets on top of the play set} sits self-assured and pleased with herself. Maggie takes a few steps up the play set, but gets nervous and heads back down. Then from the ground she whines and fusses…
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My Time or Is It?

My mind swirled. I created busy-ness in my head. List upon list and wondered how it could all be done. The swirling tugged my heart down as if I was being sucked down into the pit. My neck and shoulders stiffened. “No!” I want to yell. “I can’t. I won’t. No more to-do lists. I…
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The ‘Tude is Killing Me

My head aches and my heart lurches. “Ugh!” I think. “I don’t want to be here. I have so many things I need to do.” I look down at my watch. “I just want to protect my time. How long is this going to take?” My shoulders tense. “Relax would you?” I chide myself. My…
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There are some days I just want to gnash my teeth. My shoulders tense, my heart clenches, and every thing I see seems to scream out, “You are a failure Angela.” I guess I am not the only one. If I am the only one you can skip this post. It won’t do you a…
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