Rethinking My Thinking News

Testing something new…

Hello friends. I normally don’t post on Saturday, but I have been tinkering with my blog and I wanted to make sure all is working well. So first thing I want to tell you all is that you bless me. I am so humbled that you stop by my little corner of cyber space. Thank…
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God Knows

Yesterday about 8:30 AM I read Psalm 34. I underlined the following verses: The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.  (verse 7) The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (verse 18) The LORD redeems his servants; no one will…
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The Pitch Report

This past weekend I pitched…I threw out my book idea for one agent and two publishing houses. The pitch sounded much different than the one I posted earlier. It was simple, but direct. Want to know what I said? “Hi nice to meet you, I am Angela Mackey. I am writing a non-fiction Christian book…
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Focus Changes Things

My heart pounded, my knees knocked together so loudly they sounded like a rhythm line for STOMP. I wondered if my heartbeat was audible to the others in the room. I don’t normally get nervous like that before a talk, but this was different. I was getting ready to give a three-minute talk about a…
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I Need More of Him…Will You Pray with Me?

Tomorrow is the day. I will put on my business casual attire and walk into a room with a literary agent and tell her about the book I am writing. I will also meet hundreds of women all longing to use their gifts and talents to honor God. I will present a three-minute talk in…
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The Pitch

The title reminds me of baseball, but I am not talking about a fastball. Did you know I am going to a conference next week? It is a speaking and writing conference. There I get to pitch my book idea to an agent and an acquisitions editor at a publishing house. To say I am…
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Guess What…

A few months ago I tweeted that I uploaded video of speaking excerpts to my blog. The next thing I know Sheila Gregoire tweeted me about highlighting me on her Christian Speakers blog. You could have knocked me over with a feather. All I did was what I needed to do to get the word…
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Living with Passion

Would you consider liking my Facebook fan page? Click on the Facebook icon under my picture in the right hand column. When you get to my Facebook page click the like button. My goal is 250 likes prior to July 15. I am getting close! Thanks for all your help!
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More Good Stuff…

I told you I finally saw my name in print the other day. Yes, my first published article! Guess what? Now you can see it! Click on the resource topic to your left and in there you will find my new article. It is about my in-vitro fertilization journey. I hope it is helpful for…
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So Glad You Made It!

Hello everyone. Here it is my new blog that seems to be working just right. At least I think all the glitches are gone! I know only enough of this stuff to be dangerous. Yes dangerous I say. 😉 Anyway, consider joining me! Don’t miss a post by signing up for an e-mail or an…
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Working out the Glitches!

Hello everyone! Here is the long awaited new blog design! YEA! Didn’t Bronson Ma Creative do a GREAT job? WOO HOO!!! Currently I am working out some glitches with the change over. LOTS of little things so I am not yet 100% ready to say look at my new blog yet! 😉 I will be…
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Guess What?!

Well, it is almost here. My new blog design. I am jumping up and down (ok not literally, but inside). I am SOOOOOO excited. So what does this mean? Well, I will be working on getting it ready for you all. I don’t know exactly when it will be ready, but you all may have…
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Not My Will…

I am writing a seven-day devotional for the fifth and sixth graders at my church. The theme of the devotional is walking with Jesus through His death and resurrection. It is taking all my time and my brain cells. (Seriously I just misspelled brain). So if you would stop and pray for me as I…
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Scripture Memory Challenge…

Just wanted to do a little housekeeping… 1. God is working on me lately. Mostly reminding me that if I don’t humble myself before Him, He can and will humble me. I would prefer to humble myself under His hand so He can raise me up (1 Peter 5:6), not to be humbled by Him.…
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