Fertility Treatments and God
Since I lost the ability to conceive naturally, my logical conclusion was that God wanted my husband and I to adopt. I had often thought of adopting. I had some adopted friends. I thought that was the answer. We, my husband and I were going to adopt. I just never really thought to talk to…
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My Journey with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
The journey of infertility is filled with pain, grief, and isolation. However there is a God of the journey, orchestrating each step for His perfect purpose. I found comfort in knowing that when I was in the midst of the darkest parts of my personal journey. Although, my husband and I already had one child,…
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You are NOT Alone
Are you having difficulty conceiving a child? Are you struggling with grief, isolation, and pain? Is your faith being shaken? Well sister, here is a place for you to come. I am writing this blog in the middle of my journey. I call it the middle because I although God has blessed my husband and…
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Got Floss?
Confession time again. Dental health workers please do not hold this against me. I am not an example for dental health practices. Do not try this at home. I do not floss. I hate to floss. I promise I have tried. I find it time-consuming and uncomfortable. Instead of flossing, I have found that mouth…
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The Beginning of Confidence…
Since my post on confidence was so memorable for some, and well liked by others, I decided to share the prayer I mentioned in the Confidence post. My prayers don’t come out in correct grammar or with proper punctuation. So please forgive me line editors. Just know this came from the heart. I tried to…
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Envision a bright, sunny, winter day. Snow is on the ground, and the sun creates a magnificently brilliant, and blinding glare. That is the day this idea came to me. I was walking between classes at college, without my sunglasses on, and God seemed to tell me. “The reason you can’t look at My holiness,…
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I am treading uncharted waters. I have felt God’s call on my life for years, but have not known which direction this call would lead. In the past I have thought it would lead me down certain paths, only to discover I was WRONG! I have waited and prayed for God’s direction. Now I know…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life
When Religion Impedes Progress: How to Grow Uncomfortable
For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6 ESV If I narrowed my marriage down to a check-list what kind of marriage would it be? I said I do. Check. I live with him. Check. I take care of our kids. Check. Marriage is a relationship. One…
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Defeat and Victory: Dying to Self to Live for Christ
Truly, truly, I [Jesus] say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24 ESV He held me in His hand. I saw the light of the sun and felt the cool breeze. Then one day He dropped me into…
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Enough Faith: Trusting God When Things Don’t Go Our Way
And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Mark 9:23-24 ESV “If only you had enough faith, you would be healed…” I’ve heard folks utter those words too many times. Is God really a great vending machine…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking My Thinking News
Living with Passion
Would you consider liking my Facebook fan page? Click on the Facebook icon under my picture in the right hand column. When you get to my Facebook page click the like button. My goal is 250 likes prior to July 15. I am getting close! Thanks for all your help!
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking Gratitude
Slowing Down-ish
The world may be forever changed. Seriously. Two things happened this weekend that may change the way atoms react. 1. I said that Mark Cuban was gracious. FYI Mark Cuban is the owner of the Mavericks 2011 NBA CHAMPIONSHIP team. I love basketball and I lived in Dallas for a while. So the Mavs are…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Wrestling with God
Wrestling with God: The Series…Politics of Life
The deed is done and it stabs me through the heart. Their choices and actions stab and scrape against my soul. I cannot change their choices, all I can do is deal with the aftermath. Indignation rings and bounces in my heart and soul. “No one should act like this. Especially a fellow brother or…
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Wrestling with God: The Series… When God is Silent
I am excited to introduce you to my friend Jessica Kirkland. I asked her to share a time that she wrestled with God over some of her health problems. She is a mother of triplets (yes I said triplets), a soon to be realtor, and woman who loves God. She has a great head for…
Read More Rethinking Challenges, Rethinking Christian Life
I am standing in what feels like the eye of a change-hurricane.The place where I am not making major changes, but many close to me are. People moving away, folks finding new jobs. They are changing around me and I stand in the eye not changing, but watching the havoc that these changes are wreaking.…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God in Our Lives, Rethinking Waiting
How to Know When God is Speaking to Us
Yesterday I shared a time when God was speaking to me. Today I want to help you determine how do you know it is God speaking? 1. God’s way takes us out of our comfort zones so that we cannot do it on our own strength. I was confident as a teacher of God’s word…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God in Our Lives, Rethinking God's Guidance
Does God Really Speak to Us?
I had already made up my mind. I knew that I knew what I wanted to do. I thought that God was on board with me. Do you see see the problem? The only thing holding me back? My husband. He said he didn’t have peace about it. I was reluctant to give my answer.…
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