Rethinking Fun, Rethinking God in Our Lives
Accidents, Snakes, and Spiders
Yesterday was quite the day. My little man decided he wanted to wear underwear, but not go to the potty. I am sure you can imagine the issue. He did inform me that he didn’t want to go poo-poo and so he didn’t. I am not sure what that means for his teachers at school…
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More Good Stuff…
I told you I finally saw my name in print the other day. Yes, my first published article! Guess what? Now you can see it! Click on the resource topic to your left and in there you will find my new article. It is about my in-vitro fertilization journey. I hope it is helpful for…
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Keeping Vigil
Vigil to watch, to awaken, to arouse…purposeful intentional watchfulness for something that is about to happen. Marsha Ford spoke on Friday night at our ladies retreat about keeping vigil. That God keeps vigil over us, but that we are to keep vigil for God, to honor Him so that generations to come may also know…
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It’s a God Thing…
“That’s a better present than my American Girl Doll,” my eight-year-old beamed. Her birthday landed on Easter Sunday this year and she received many gifts. She got her ears pierced, some new earrings, a new American Girl Doll, and even a new dress. But her best gift started last week. E, my eight-year-old, goes to…
Read More Rethinking Challenges, Rethinking God in Our Lives, Rethinking Waiting
This Saturday…
Do you wonder on the Saturday after the cross, what Satan was thinking? Was he rejoicing over his conquest? Were he and his demons harassing the disciples and other followers of Jesus? Was he calling it his victory? Did he know yet exactly what Christ had done on the cross? The disciples, Christ’s followers, his…
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A Miracle…Really
I witnessed a miracle yesterday. Actually I was the one healed, so this is pretty good stuff. Seriously… I couldn’t get up Monday morning. I hit snooze a few (five or six) times. Then I actually changed my alarm so I could get more than 9 minutes of sleep in a row. I was wiped…
Read More Rethinking God in Our Lives, Rethinking My Thinking News
Not My Will…
I am writing a seven-day devotional for the fifth and sixth graders at my church. The theme of the devotional is walking with Jesus through His death and resurrection. It is taking all my time and my brain cells. (Seriously I just misspelled brain). So if you would stop and pray for me as I…
Read More Misc, Rethinking God in Our Lives, Rethinking Gratitude
Rejection and Then Again…
It came. The e-mail. The one I have been waiting over seven months for. The e-mail from the publisher. You know the publisher who accepted my book proposal last July at the SheSpeaks (writing/speaking) conference. Yes that e-mail. The one in the first few weeks that I waited with bated breath to come. I would…
Read More Rethinking God in Our Lives, Rethinking Gratitude
Amazed by God
Don’t ask me why, but I am still amazed at God. I guess that is good, but it seems I should expect Him to do something unexpected. Yet I am forever amazed. What has so amazed me this time? That He would use me. Don’t get me wrong. I think I am pretty smart, I…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God in Our Lives, Rethinking Infertility
Losing Focus and Finding it Again
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising…
Read More Rethinking Challenges, Rethinking God in Our Lives
Battles, Bruises, and Life
“When? When will I stop having to fight this battle? I thought I already won,” her words dripped frustration, fatigue, maybe shame. We all have battles in different forms, but they wage war against our hearts and souls. I used to think that battles were either won or lost – a monument to success or…
Read More Rethinking Challenges, Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God in Our Lives
Finding the Rhythm
Sometimes I just can’t find the beat in life. I wake up morning after morning and the rhythm of life does not match the rhythm of my heart. And I know I am the one who is off-beat – not the good kind of off-beat. The kind when I am left looking around trying desperately…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God in Our Lives
How to Deal with Crazy Days
Just a brief peek into my crazy week so far… On Tuesday I woke up feeling crummy. Stomach crummy. . . So I planned to rest all day. The only problems were I had to get the kids ready for school, my precious husband was going to take them, and I had to coach the…
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Because Your Story Matters
Amid doubt and smallness, knowing God is growing something in me, but not knowing if I have what it takes to do the work. If it doesn’t come easy I wonder if I am supposed to do it. Yet the work is what God uses to refine me. As my thoughts swirl and emotions swing…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God, Rethinking God in Our Lives
Fighting His Plan
Chaos. I avoid chaos like the plague. In fact I stay away from situations I cannot figure out. I prefer life with a pretty bow. Situations that turn out neatly tied up. I don’t like things I don’t understand, things I can’t offer a suggestion to help fix. I prefer to flee those situations. I…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God in Our Lives, Rethinking Hard Times
When God Doesn’t Make Sense
Today I have a guest post at Keeping It Personal titled March Madness. You can check it out here. Welcome to all of you… I like it when things make sense. I want to think deeply about how to handle a situation or what path to take and I want all my paths and directions…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God in Our Lives
Call Me Crazy…
Hello everyone. Today I had the privilege of posting at Keeping it Personal. Check out my post Does What I Do Matter? and leave a comment. If you just came by from KIP, I am so glad you dropped in today. Check out my craziness… For Christmas my husband and I had a crazy idea.…
Read More Rethinking Christian Life, Rethinking God in Our Lives, Rethinking Hard Times
God Comforts and God Chisels
Somehow words don’t seem enough to convey what is going on in my heart and soul. God using His eternal chisel, breaking bits of the ugly, sinful parts of me away. God using His hammer with truth that hits its mark swift and hard and parts of me that I held close crumbles. My frustrations…
Read More Rethinking God, Rethinking God in Our Lives, Rethinking Hard Times
Stories. Our lives are full of them. Interwoven stories that bind us to others, divide us from some, and leave impressions on our hearts. Stories that are not mine to tell, but that I live out. I live my part of supportive wife, encouraging friend, loving daughter-in-law, praying sister, admiring daughter, and the list goes…
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