Right Thinking Wrong Thinking

What to Think: How to Boss Around Your Mind

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8 ESV God cares about what we think. In fact, He gives us a list of the types…
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Mind Your Mind: Joining the Battle for Joy

This past weekend I had the privilege of leading two break-out sessions at Arkansas Baptist Women’s Inspire Conference. What a blessing it was to see about 900 women from all over Arkansas gather together to receive encouragement, correction, refreshment, and learn to fall more in love with Jesus. The session I led was called Changing…
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Right Thinking Wrong Thinking: Why

My mind reels and churns as my heart thumps wildly. My neck and shoulder muscles tighten and my brain hurts. Every where I look seems a black pit swallowing me whole. Why? Why me, why now, what did I do? What must I learn? How can I get out? If I can only figure out…
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Biblical Thinking

I am a thinker. I do not believe that makes me special or even different per se, it is just a fact. Thinking means I like to ponder and meditate. I think about random things and wonder about things like: Did God really create the world in six 24 hour days or in six fixed…
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Right Thinking…Wrong Thinking…God Wants Me to be Happy

Our western culture screams it from every ad, every movie, TV show. We talk about it as if it were sage advice handed down from before time began. As parents we often say we just want it for our kids. What is the elusive it that we are building our lives around? Happiness. That fickle…
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Right Thinking Wrong Thinking…Vengeance

It starts young… “She hit me first.” It continues into adulthood… “She cheated on me so I shot her and her lover.” In fact if you don’t seek revenge, you seem weak, weird, and wimpy. Wrong Thinking: I MUST defend myself. Heart Issues: Vigilant for wrongs against me, expecting to be wronged, constantly preparing a…
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Right Thinking Wrong Thinking…Faith

There is a lie that Satan likes us to believe. It is a lie that he has been telling since ancient times. In fact it is found in the oldest written book in the Bible. Job. The lie? If you only have enough faith only good things will happen to you. If you only believe…
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How to T.H.I.N.K.

My eyes open and I check my phone. 5:30 AM, only about four hours of sleep. I lay there in my top bunk hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep. Sleep doesn’t come. In an effort not to wake the seven other women in my room, I attempt to silently shimmy down my…
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Right Thinking Wrong Thinking: Parenting

I am beginning a new series called Right Thinking Wrong Thinking. Every Thursday I will post this series and I will address some right and wrong ways of thinking and how they affect our hearts and our actions. Here we go: Your heart is pumping and you feel like jumping out of your skin. “Take…
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