Rethinking Life


 I need a little dose perspective. Many days my rebellious and harried heart whispers lies. My heart whispers, “This will never change.”  God says, “With Me all things are possible.” “It is useless,” my heart taunts.  “No situation is wasted. My perfect plan will prevail.” “I can’t do anything right,” I shake my head. “You…
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Worlds Apart…

While I was in high school, I learned about a great Christian band called Jars of Clay. They have a song called Worlds Apart and one line has been reverberating in my heart this weekend… It says, “…what I need and what I believe are worlds apart.” Aren’t we blessed that God knows what we…
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When I Mess Up…AGAIN…

I thought I had today together. I had thought about it and planned it in my head and then it happened. I realized I double booked myself. I was getting my bag ready for church and looked at my appointment card. “Monday?!?” I shook my head. “I thought my appointment was on Tuesday.” Monday morning…
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“I can’t wait until…” “When I am older I…” “When I am married I can finally…” “When I have kids I will feel…” “When I make it big I will…” For as long as I can remember I have wanted to arrive somewhere. That cliche, “I have finally arrived,” spoke to my heart. As a…
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2011 Growth…2012

I prayed over a word last year. A word God would give me for the year. 2010 was a year of stretching and I felt God prodding me that 2011 would be a year of growing into those stretched out places.   Growing is painful and amazing. Painful because it means letting go of what…
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I Wish I was a….

My brother was born before sonograms could determine the gender of unborn babies. My parents chose to decorate his room with green and yellow. Ironically so was the outside of our house (yellow with green trim) and the colors of our middle school (green and gold)…I digress.   Wallpaper was also popular back in that…
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Lately I have struggled with enough. I feel like I don’t do enough. I should do more with the gifts and talents God has given me. I wonder am I a wise steward of time, finances, gifts, talents? I want to do something big–something God-sized. I wonder if I am really doing what God wants…
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My family and I spent the weekend decorating our house and our yard for Christmas. It was a full weekend job. As we decorated the kids and I talked about Mary, Joseph and Jesus. Then it happened. I thought, I wish I was like Mary. She just believed what the angel told her. I bet…
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Eleven Years Ago

Eleven years ago today I had my hair done in an updo and I put on a white dress.I walked down an aisle arm-in-arm with my dad. Broad smile plastered to my face and a smaller one painted on his. He had to give me away. Eleven years ago. I stood at the front of…
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Yes His Name is George

Monday. I prepared for it with trepidation. L was only five days post tonsillectomy. She did so well, but I felt concerned about sending her to school. I made sure I had her medicine ready to go, lunches prepared, and backpacks packed. We were ready. I checked through all their papers Sunday night. I signed…
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